Our Mission
July 1, 2024 2024-12-10 16:06Our Mission
Our Mission
About us
Since 1962 – RAS is the original, longest-running and most reputable American International School in Rabat, Morocco.
Rabat American School is a private non-profit American Independent Educational Pre-K to 12 institution, founded in 1962, offering an English language, standards-based, university-preparatory curriculum accredited by the U.S. Middle States Association and the International Baccalaureate Organization.

Dynamic, diverse, authentic learners - thriving together.
We engage in real-world learning opportunities.
We empower learners to take action.
We foster belonging and personal growth.
We empower learners to take action.
We foster belonging and personal growth.
Profile of Graduates
The Graduates of the Rabat American School will be:
Knowledgeable, Inquisitive and Thoughtful
- Cultivate the skills to explore new ideas, concepts and issues.
- Acquire a depth of knowledge and understanding in a wide range of disciplines.
- Develop curiosity and a habit of lifelong. learning
- Recognize and practice critical thinking skills to solve problems and reflect on their own learning and decision making.
Effective Communicators
- Understand and express ideas clearly and confidently when writing, listening and speaking.
- Communicate in multiple languages and modalities.
- Willingly collaborate and communicate to problem solve.
Open-Minded, Principled, Reflective and Caring
- Value their own and others’ cultural backgrounds.
- Actively seek new perspectives and viewpoints.
- Respect and seek justice for all members of the learning community.
- Have a sense of responsibility and integrity for themselves and the larger community
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Guiding Principles
Respect and Dignity
We respect ourselves, others, their choices, boundaries, and individuality by showing positive regard for the feelings, needs, and rights of others which allows all members of the community to have dignity. We believe in the Human Rights principles that all individuals are equal as human beings and by virtue of the inherent dignity and worth of each human person. No one, therefore, should suffer discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, age, language, sexual orientation, religion, political or other opinion, national, social or geographic origin, disability, property, birth or other status as established by human rights standards.
Belonging & Support
We believe in belonging, which is the feeling of security and support based on a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and compassion for all learners across identity markers.
Shared Responsibility
We, as the RAS community, are committed to raising awareness particularly as we partner with our parent and family communities in addition to holding ourselves accountable for impact over intent to ourselves and to each other.
Open-Mindedness & Personal Growth
We as the RAS community recognize that there is no end point to learning when it comes to DEI and commit to ongoing, continuous, strategic and intentional professional development related to diversity, equity and inclusion practices.
Join the Rabat American School!
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